Saturday, September 10, 2011


I was testing out world seeds and spawned into a pretty decent world. (World seed: BestWorldEver) And I gained three wolfies already :D. I tamed two of them, but one of them mysteriously spawned already tamed O.o. Anyways, I went all out and built my base on top of a giant pillar of dirt and stone out of sandstone, with ladders leading down to the actual ground. Today, while I was getting ready for my descent:
oAo WHAT???
And that thoroughly creeped me out. How I killed it? Obviously, I didn't go down and let it blow up my tower. I went pack up and built a thing out of dirt to get me in range of attacking it :D

Remnants of the creeper: Gunpowder!
And that is how I spent a morning in Minecraft. (Did you see the 1.8 update prerelease? Won't work because my computer's Java is screwed, but the videos look epic.)

1 comment:

StormySkies said...

Here's a pretty effective way to kill monsters that are not spiders or skellys:

First, get a load of gravel or sand.
Second, get high up, at least 3 blocks up.
Lure the creeper or zombie directly below you.
Place a block of whatever that doesn't listen to gravity (like dirt, cobblestone, or sandstone) right above it.
Pile gravel or sand high up on that block, at least 4 blocks (or more, to make it look more epic for the next step)
Destroy the block holding the gravel or sand. Make sure the monster is still there.
Watch as the monster is suffocated! MUAHAHAHA