Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Poppy is leaving, guys. This will be a great loss, and we really need more Minecraft-playing bloggers. Here are monsters.

Day of creepers....

Not a monster, but I was going on a deforesting expedition when I saw a random sitting wolf next to a pond thing.

Again, not monsters. My wolves.

Creepers and burning things....

Chicken on the porch....not a monster

MY FIRST SPIDER JOCKEY. And some burning things.


StormySkies said...

dude, if you just download minecraft again from minecraft.net you can play 1.8

✧Moonstar✧/★Hibari★ said...

...all you do is update on the game.....you don't have to re-download it... ._.

StormySkies said...

There was a weird problem with mine, then, I think, because there was no 'update' button. It didn't update at all and I had to re-download the game. It seems fine now, though.